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Environmental and NRM
The contest is June 4, 2022 @ Camp Clements.  We will eave at 6:00 am that morning The contest consists of four parts:

A.  Exam=  You will have a 50 question exam that will come from the question bank (250 questions).  Each question is worth 2 points.  It is VITAL that you do well on this test, if not we will be behind the 8 ball before the competition really gets going.

B.  Identification=  You will have 50 identification items that will be held in the downstairs of Camp Clements.  These will be anything from deer scat to beaver hides, and anything else in between.  The areas include equipment (water quality, aquatic, wildlife, geographical, and forestry), native species (wildlife, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish), invasive/non-native species(plants and animals).  My goal is to have a power point every other day that will help you in your studies.  They will be posted right here, so it is important that you study these.  We will go over these during practice as well.

C.  Soil Profile=  Will be based off of Oklahoma Land Judging.  We will go over Oklahoma Soils similar to teams that have been through National Land Judging with Mr. Johnson.  We will then work on cards and do pits in practice.  Mr. Johnson is not sure what this element will consist of but we will do our best and forget the rest. 

D.  Waste Management= TBD in Practice with Mr. Johnson

As a individual, your score counts 400 points (100 for test, 100 for wildlife id, 100 for soil profile, and 100 for waste management)

So 4 Individuals * 400 points= 1600 points

Their is no team activity at state, so the total competition is worth 1600 points.

HERE are some power points to help study!!!!!!!

Some of these Power Points are from the past, here is the latest and greatest for 2017-2021

NRM Equipment 2017.pptx

Birds 2017.pptx

Reptiles Amph 2017.pptx

Fish 2017.pptx

Environmental & Natural Resource 3.pptx

Equipment ID.pptx

Environmental and NRM PowerPoint 1.pptx

Colum 1 of Environmental and NRM 2014.pptx

Environmental & Natural Resources Reptiles.pptx

Environmental & Natural Resource 2.pptx

NRM Equipment 2017.pptx

Wildlife ENRM.pptx

Tootlage of America.pptx

Birds ENRM.pptx

Invasive Non-Native Species Plants and Animals.pptx


Environmental Questions for TN NRM Contest Jerry Johnson 7/16/2016 104 KB



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